Coconut Colon Cleanse by Island Vibrance #Review

I recently received a bottle of Coconut Colon Cleanse by Island Vibrance to review. I am super excited to have received this as I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I haven't had the chance to use it yet as I plan to do a total body cleanse when I have a 3-4 day weekend. I think this is the best option as it will give me a chance to be home if I have any extreme needs to release toxins. I personally hate public restrooms. I don't really like to use other people's private restrooms either but you have to go sometimes. My general philosophy is if I need to go, it is time to go... home that is.

Enough about me here's a bit of info from the company about their product

Product Description
Naturally cleanse your body with this unique formula.
Island Vibrance Coconut Colon Cleanse gently removes build up of harmful toxins and waste from your lower intestines while improving your body's absorption of vitamins and minerals. It kickstarts your body's metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas, thereby burning more calories. After your body enjoys this nourishing superfood experience, you will feel energized and rejuvenated to live your best life. This product was meticulously created in our FDA regulated and certified cGMP lab with only premium all natural quality ingredients.

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.

Cleanse with a cause

La Lune Naturals #Giveaway

I recently had the chance to try this product and now you can too.

If you don't win, you can buy it here

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.

La Lune Natural Seaweed Powder #review

La Lune Natural Seaweed Powder

Review and Recipe

A little information from the company
  • Our Pure and Natural, 100% USDA Certified Organic Seaweed Powder is Perfect as a Cellulite Remover in a Body Wrap, Skin Nourishing and Detoxifying Mud Mask, and as an Exfoliating Scrub.
  • Organic Seaweed Kelp Powder is derived from the Ascophyllum Nodosum - a brown seaweed that has been wild crafted. This type of Seaweed is commonly known as knotted, knobbed or bladder wrack, or kelp.
  • Seaweed contains fatty acids to combat skin irritation and inflammation; and may assist with skin ailments such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Seaweed Powder is suitable for all skin types.
  • FREE eBook & Scoop! You'll Receive Your Free EBook of 20 recipes through email just after purchasing our product. The recipes include many uses such as mud masks for nourishing and detoxifying your skin, scrubs for exfoliating and wraps for removing cellulite. Full color with photos and detailed instructions! PLUS we include a FREE measuring scoop for easy use!
  • Organic Seaweed Powder is a rich source of organic proteins, minerals and vitamins including vitamins B12 (not found in land plants), vitamin E, and other nutrients. When applied to the skin, Seaweed treatments act as a powerful detoxifier that draws out toxins and impurities while adding beneficial nutrients. It is said to have antioxidant properties that help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and it can be used to stimulate the body's circulation which helps to minimize cellulite while infusing the skin with moisture for a healthy glowing skin.
My Review 
    I am not sure if this actually did anything for cellulite as I only used it a couple times. I did however feel like my skin and body were less heavy. 

    Seaweed Powder has a very fishy/oceany smell. I should have expected that with the name of it. Hot water makes the smell more prevalent. I was however able to cover the smell with lemon essential oil.

     If you want to use it in the bath, I wold suggest you hide in the stalls

Fast Acting Cellulite Seaweed Wrap

Seaweed wraps are often used as expensive detoxifications and cellulite wraps in spas. But with La Lune Naturals, you can do a simple wrap at home, get the same results—but at a fraction of the price!


  • 1/2 Cup La Lune Naturals Seaweed Powder 
  • 3-4 Tablespoons of Your Favorite Oil 
  • 2-4 Drops Essential Oils (Optional) 
  • Warm Water 
  • Plastic Wrap 
  • Towels
  • A shower curtain (Optional)

Mix together La Lune Naturals Seaweed Powder, oil and water until your desired consistency. It should be mud like, but not watery. After mixing, you can add the essential oil if you would like.

Standing in the shower or over a towel will help avoid making a mess. Apply mixture to your entire body, from the waist down. Once applied, you can wrap areas of your skin with plastic wrap. Having someone help with this will make it easier, especially for the torso.

Once wrapped, lie down on a towel and apply another towel over the top of you to keep warm. If you have a blanket you don’t care much about, feel free to get under the covers to encourage sweating. Sweating can help further detoxify your skin.

After 20 to 30 minutes, remove wrap at take a warm shower to rinse off any residue from the seaweed mud mixture.

For more tips and ideas La Lune Naturals offers a Free ebook

Brought to you by

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.

Sweet Nothings Giveaway Hop

Hey yall

So I've decided to participate in a blog hop. I am offering  you all a chance to win a surprise gift worth $15. It will be something to show yourself some love. Enter below for a chance to win. 

Welcome to the Sweet Nothings Giveaway Hop, brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers & Up All Night Blogging!

Hosted by

Mama Smith's Review Blog & Women And Their Pretties

Co-Hosted by

Reviews411StellarManicMommy2, EasterBabe's TheoryOne Hoolie MamaSusie's Reviews and Giveawaysre•solveWest Coast MamaFashion Beyond Forty, & Our Mini Family.

Each blogger participating in this hop has a giveaway with a prize value of at least $15 - and some are much more than that! Be sure to visit them all - there is no limit to how many prizes you can win!

Good Luck and Have Fun!

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DISCLOSURE: Mama Smith's Review Blog and Women and Their Pretties are not responsible for any of the prize fulfillment. Each blogger is responsible for providing their sponsor with their winner's contact information.

SmartScale PreEvent Announcement

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Banner is included in html below.
Thank you for participating!!!
The SmartScale Giveaway
Name: The SmartScale Giveaway
Dates: 2/22 – 3-15
Prize: Bluetooth SmartScale ($79.95 value)

Who Can Enter: US Only
Sponsor: Eat Smart Technology
Max Bloggers: 20
There are 2 options 1 Free One As Co-Host
Free Link With Placement of Event: Twitter & Pinterest
PreEvent Post
Co-Host: $5.00
Co-hosts will receive 1 host page, Mention in post with backlink, 6 Links of Your Choice: Bloglovin, Google+,YouTube, Instagram, Picket Fence, Linkedin, Networked Blogs, Linky Followers, +Twitter and Pinterest
Extra Links: Available $1
Signup Here

We are currently looking for 20 bloggers to help promote this giveaway

Z's Mommy

Fennel Essential Oil #Review

Fennel essential oil is a galactogogue. This oil can play an important role for lactating mothers. It can increase the amount of milk in them by boosting production of a hormone called estrogen. This benefits the baby as well as the mother. This milk also inherits some of the carminative and digestive properties of fennel oil and protects the baby from flatulence, indigestion and gas, which are very common in infants.

Information from the company

  • 100% Pure, Organic Therapeutic Grade Fennel 10ml Essential Oil 
  • Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce 
  • Comes in 10ml amber glass essential oil bottle. European Dropper Cap included 
  • Fennel Essential Oil has a sweet earthy aroma similar to aniseed with hints of pepper. 
More information can be found here.

For these reasons, I created a boobie butter. I combined the fennel oil with a combination of coconut oil and shea butter. I mixed 2 TBSP Shea butter and 2 TBSP coconut oil with 10 drops of Fennel Essential Oil. I started by whipping the shea butter and coconut oil together with my hand mixer. Then I gradually added the fennel oil to the base while continuing to whip it.

It has increased her milk supply as well as aided in preventing sore nipples.

It can be purchased here

Z's Mommy

Basil Essential Oil #Review

Basil essential oil is a great oil to have around the house. It has health benefits that include its ability to treat nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, constipation, respiratory problems, and diabetes. Basil oil is also a good source of Vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. It is also said to enhance the luster of dull-looking skin and hair. As a result, it is extensively used in many skin care supplements that claim to improve the tone of your skin. It is also commonly used to treat the symptoms of acne and other skin infections. 

Information from the seller  

100% Pure, Organic Therapeutic Grade Basil 10ml Essential Oil 

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum 

Comes in 10ml amber glass essential oil bottle. European Dropper Cap included 

Basil Essential Oil has a sweet floral and herbal scent. 

What sets Healing Solutions Essential Oils apart is superior cultivation of ingredients that are the best in the world. Combined with superior distillation and bottling care process.

My Usage

So after researching and finding all this information, I decided to make a tomato basil soap. Basil essential oil has a slight herbal licorice smell. Even after making soap, the smell still came through. I was pleasantly surprised by the scent.

It can be purchased here

Tomato Basil Soap Recipe
Always run recipes through a lye calculator. You can also experiment with different oils if you want.

Coconut Oil


Olive Oil

Shea Butter


      Frozen Tomato Juice


Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)

Total Soap Weight


Mix the water and lye in a well ventilated area. Remember when mixing snow (lye) falls on the lake (water). Mix it slowly together with the frozen tomato juice in an ice water bath. Pour lye mixture into melted oils. Mix with stick blender until you reach a thin pudding like consistency (also called trace). Add 15-30 drops of Basil essential oil.  Mix a little longer if you want to make designs. If not, pour batter into your soap mold. I like a sturdy loaf mold but the options are almost endless. Never use an aluminum or metal pan though. Let sit for 24-48 hours. Cut into the slices you desire. Let cure 4-6 weeks

Z's Mommy

Garcinia Cambogia Extract 85 % HCA Complex-2. Review

Hey y'all

I'm back with another review. I was sent a bottle of Garcinia Cambogia by Summit Nutritions. They were also kind enough to throw in a sample of their Raspberry Ketones. As always business first, then we'll get to my review.

The Packaging

Information from Amazon

  • • WATER PROCESSED; no unnatural chemicals, alcohols or lab processing for unsurpassed purity and potency. No alcohol, acetone or other solvents.
  • • 85% HCA FORMULA; maximal concentration for full appetite suppression and fat burning. Block fat absorption and naturally increase levels of serotonin for increased feelings of energy and wellbeing, INCLUDED NATURAL CALCIUM FROM PLANT
  • • GMO FREE VEGETARIAN CAPSULES; gelatin free, unlike cheaper brands.
  • • 1500mg PER SERVING; higher concentration in a clinical dose for quicker uptake. The result is the purest, most versatile Garcina Cambogia extract available
  • • Manufactured in the USA in a 100% FDA approved facility; Lifetime quality guarantee. 

Information from the internet

                                        What is it?

The active ingredient in the fruit's rind, hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, has boosted fat-burning and cut back appetite in studies. It appears to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat. It also raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which may make you feel less hungry.

How it works
The active ingredient in the fruit's rind, hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, has boosted fat-burning and cut back appetite in studies. It appears to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat. It also raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which may make you feel less hungry.

My review

This supplement lives up to its claims. I not only had more energy, I also felt less hungry. That's right it curbed the chunky mommy's sweet tooth. I can't say I saw a huge amount of weight loss mainly because I didn't add any exercise or really eat healthier. I'm sure if these were included I would have seen more weight loss.

You can purchase it here

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.

[Giveaway] The Love Yourself Movement

Learning Success Review and Giveaway

Hey y'all. 

I'm back with another review. This one is for the kiddos or even teachers. Business first then I'll tell you about it from my pint of view. By the way, it is called Learning Success.

Information from the company:
The learning success program is a simple do-at-home program that will show you how to find the core problems and overcome them. Learning is made up of basic core skills. There are 16 of them in all. Typical learning difficulties are small weaknesses in a combination of two or three of these skills. Helps overcome learning difficulties such as:
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
Each of these terms simply means that there is a weakness in two or more of these basic learning skills. But it doesn't define which. Once you get started in the course you'll quickly find the trouble spots. Once you do that your child will be on the path to learning success. You will learn simple exercises that strengthen the skills needed for successful learning. Modern scientific breakthroughs have discovered a number of methods for overcoming these problems. Once you do your child will actually enjoy homework.

The normal price for this course is $564

The course is delivered via email. You will receive emails each day with exercises you simply print out and do with your child. Takes approximately 15 - 20 minutes 3-5 days per week. Results are typically seen starting at about 3 months but can come earlier. Severe problems will take approximately 1 year to overcome. We will continue delivering exercises for one year or until you cancel.

To enter the giveaway click the link below

My Review:

So first of all, this is an email based program. That is actually awesome for me, because we have a tendency of misplacing papers. It is a daily delivery system so you don't have to go searching for old emails. Another plus.

Z doesn't have any learning disabilities that we know of but I thought it would be good to help him get ahead. I must say he is progressing nicely. I could see this being very useful for a kiddo with a learning disability or even to help a teacher who works with those types of students.

To purchase Learning Success, click here

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.

No Kidding Coupons... have you seen this?

No Kidding Coupons... have you seen this?: 99% of our members LOVE our 99% off coupons. It's an extreme experience unlike anything you’ve ever dreamed of… NO KIDDING! Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Review #Earthwell

Hey y'all

So I received a product to test last month. It was Green Coffee Bean Extract. It supposed to help with weight loss. So let's get all the business out of the way and then I will tell you how I feel about it.
The information from Amazon:
  • AMAZING RESULTS AND TESTIMONIALS from our thousands of customers show Earthwell green coffee supplement works for rapid natural weight loss. Even sceptical users were surprised by their results. It works for all different body shapes, from people who are overweight or obese to people who are quite healthy and fit but want to lose their last pounds of extra belly fat.
  • NOW you can start losing weight naturally with our dietary supplement promoting a healthy weight loss program, burning both sugar and fat rapidly, boosting your metabolism and slowing the release of sugar into your bloodstream. These benefits were demonstrated in clinical trials. These studies showed that green coffee pills can increase your weight loss by two or three times compared to people who only diet and exercise.
  • 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - When you order our Green Coffee Bean Extract today, you're protected by a 60 day, no-questions asked money back guarantee and world class customer service. This unconditional guarantee shows you how sure we are that our green coffee bean supplement will work for you and help you lose weight as fast as possible.
  • NEW Green Coffee formula with 350 mg GCA (Green Coffee Antioxidant), the highest amount of GCA per capsule on Amazon. Our new formula has more green coffee antioxidants than any of our competitors, for faster and more permanent results. GCA is the fundamental ingredient to look for when you buy a green coffee supplement as demonstrated in scientific studies. This is why we created this new enhanced formula with the largest quantity of GCA on the market. GCA was clinically proven to help you lose weight fast, which explains why our supplement works so well.
  • NO SIDE EFFECTS - Most users report zero side effects. On the contrary, many of our customers actually enjoyed increased energy and less mood swings (perhaps due to the reduction in blood sugar fluctuations). Our all natural supplement is made in the USA, using the highest quality coffee beans available in the market. We work under strict quality guidelines. We follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as well as internal testing and quality controls. Our product is 100% natural, there are zero fillers, zero binders and zero artificial ingredients, only pure natural elements

My results:
Now I didn't see any rapid weight loss but I also did not take it the entire month. I took this product for approximately one week and then I had to quit it. 

Why did I quit it, you ask?
I quit taking it because it was making me jittery. I felt like my heart was speeding and trying to jump out of my body. To me, that is not a good energy boost. I do however guess in the grand scheme of things that it does raise your metabolism and help you to burn extra calories due to all the extra internal activity.

What I learned about this product?
I learned, you should most definitely not take this with any type of added caffeine. I made that mistake one day. It left me praying at every turn that there was an empty and clean restroom. I don't know about you but I don't have time for that type of violent reaction during the day.

It did not give me any extra energy as after it would do its thing I felt completely wiped out. I was spending more time in bed trying to collect myself than actually being out living life or even trying to work out.

Final Review:
Take this at your own discretion. What happened to me, may not happen to you.

If you want to try it, you can purchase it here

Z's Mommy

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.