Basil essential oil is a great oil to have around the house. It has health benefits that include its ability to treat nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, constipation, respiratory problems, and diabetes. Basil oil is also a good source of Vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. It is also said to enhance the luster of dull-looking skin and hair. As a result, it is extensively used in many skin care supplements that claim to improve the tone of your skin. It is also commonly used to treat the symptoms of acne and other skin infections.
Information from the seller
100% Pure, Organic Therapeutic Grade Basil 10ml Essential Oil
Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
Comes in 10ml amber glass essential oil bottle. European Dropper Cap included
Basil Essential Oil has a sweet floral and herbal scent.
What sets Healing Solutions Essential Oils apart is superior cultivation of ingredients that are the best in the world. Combined with superior distillation and bottling care process.
Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
Comes in 10ml amber glass essential oil bottle. European Dropper Cap included
Basil Essential Oil has a sweet floral and herbal scent.
What sets Healing Solutions Essential Oils apart is superior cultivation of ingredients that are the best in the world. Combined with superior distillation and bottling care process.
My Usage
So after researching and finding all this information, I decided to make a tomato basil soap. Basil essential oil has a slight herbal licorice smell. Even after making soap, the smell still came through. I was pleasantly surprised by the scent.
It can be purchased here
Tomato Basil Soap Recipe
Always run recipes through a lye calculator. You can also experiment with different oils if you want.
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Shea Butter
Frozen Tomato Juice
Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
Total Soap Weight
Mix the water and lye in a well ventilated area. Remember when mixing snow (lye) falls on the lake (water). Mix it slowly together with the frozen tomato juice in an ice water bath. Pour lye mixture into melted oils. Mix with stick blender until you reach a thin pudding like consistency (also called trace). Add 15-30 drops of Basil essential oil. Mix a little longer if you want to make designs. If not, pour batter into your soap mold. I like a sturdy loaf mold but the options are almost endless. Never use an aluminum or metal pan though. Let sit for 24-48 hours. Cut into the slices you desire. Let cure 4-6 weeks
Z's Mommy
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