Kurrents Tropical Wheatgrass Powder - #Review

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Hey Y'all

I recently had the opportunity to try wheatgrass powder. Well, I didn't technically try it. The Mister tested it out as part of his Healthy Lifestyle journey. It is sold by Kurrents on Amazon.

Tropical Wheatgrass Powder
Information from the company
What is Wheatgrass ?

Wheatgrass is a natural health product having highly nutritious value. It is Natures Gift to Mankind for maintaining health & wellness. Wheatgrass is produced by allowing the sprouted organic wheat seeds to grow up to a height of about six inches till the green leaf begins to form a stem.

The wheat seeds are grown for 7 days and then harvested at the ‘jointing stage’ when the maximum nutrition content is ‘stored’ in these tender blades of grass.  It is then dehydrated indoors naturally (without direct sunlight / mechanism) and grounded into fine powder.  All the beneficial nutrients are ‘stored’ in the powder as in fresh grass.

Wheatgrass contains more than 92 beneficial nutrients like chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial to human health.

Why Tropical Wheatgrass is better than Winter Wheatgrass?

Our competitors’ use Winter Wheatgrass which is grown for 200+ days.  The wheat seed has limited ‘stored nutrition’ to support the plant growth at the initial jointing stage until it’s stem gets formed. Winter Wheatgrass must stay in the ground longer bypassing the ‘jointing stage’ and therefore losing the maximum nutrition content.

One example of the lost nutrition is the amount of chlorophyll in Winter Wheatgrass, which is 0.420g per 100grams while Tropical Wheatgrass has 6.15g per 100grams.  The result is ten times more chlorophyll in Tropical Wheatgrass.  Plus Tropical Wheatgrass is fresher considering that it can be harvested every seven days while Winter Wheatgrass is only harvested once a year.

  • Best in the Industry for Highest Grade Nutrition and Freshness - 100% natural food supplement
  • Tropical Climate Wheatgrass is 10 times stronger than Winter Climate Wheatgrass (our competitors).
  • Convenient, economical and more efficient than even fresh Wheatgrass juice.
  • Helps strengthen immune (resistance) system, helps in detoxification & reduces stress, helps increase Hemoglobin count (RBC), helps in weight loss & weight gain, helps improve skin & muscle tone.
  • 100 grams or 3.5 ounce container gives 30 servings

For best results, mix one scoop of powder in a glass having about 9 oz. of warm water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. A teaspoon of honey may be added to enhance taste. It can also be added in food items such as juice, sandwiches, salad, rice, pasta, etc. Increase quantity and frequency daily as your body gets accustomed to the product.

My Review
So... This wheatgrass is used by the mister. I have yet to get up the courage to try it myself. I'm a wimp when it comes to supplemental powders. I plan to give it a try soon when I get some juice. The mister however drinks it every morning with just a bottle of water. He says it gives him energy throughout the day. He also said, he feels a difference in his digestive system. A little secret between you and I, he has some very unfortunate digestive issues. He has the misfortune to suffer from gallstones as well as severe lactose intolerance. He hasn't been experiencing any symptoms since he started drinking the wheatgrass daily. He said it has a sweet grassy taste but definitely grassy. He said he definitely will continue to drink it on a daily basis. He is already planning to buy another bottle and he hasn't even finished the first one. He is thoroughly satisfied with this product. He thinks we should all be drinking it daily as a family.

If you would like to try it for yourself, it can be purchased here.


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