Gazelle says Stop the Spread of #unprotectedtext

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Be honest. Have you ever used a phone with a cracked screen? If so, you've engaged in unprotected text, a very risky activity. But all is not lost. As a part of their Stop the Spread of #unprotectedtext campaign,Gazelle is giving you the opportunity to bare your soul on their Facebook page!

I don't know about you but I have cracked and chipped several electronic devices. Z has also aided in these mishaps. Together we seem to be exceptionally good at cracking iPhones and iPads. It's a sad state but it happens.

Pre-Owned is Still Pretty Awesome!

In 50 words or less, share your story about how you broke your phone and why you continued to use it. Be sure to use hashtag #unprotectedtext and @Gazelle in your social post.

When you post, you'll be automatically entered to win a Gazelle Certified pre-owned iPhone or iPad.
Now is your opportunity to help stop this epidemic from spreading!

Z's Mommy

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate and/or referral links. It may also include items received for review in exchange or my honest unbiased opinion. All reviews and opinions are 100% my own and unbiased.


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