Welcome to my blog
This is my first blog but I have been contemplating it for a few months now. I finally decided to take the plunge. I invite you to grow with me through this blogging experience. I however am no stranger to sharing my thoughts and opinions. I started with a YouTube channel shared by my sister and I. We have not posted in what is probably close to a year. We or I will be starting back to doing and posting videos soon. I digress this is about a blog and me sharing more day to day thoughts, musings, ramblings, and goings on.
This is my first blog but I have been contemplating it for a few months now. I finally decided to take the plunge. I invite you to grow with me through this blogging experience. I however am no stranger to sharing my thoughts and opinions. I started with a YouTube channel shared by my sister and I. We have not posted in what is probably close to a year. We or I will be starting back to doing and posting videos soon. I digress this is about a blog and me sharing more day to day thoughts, musings, ramblings, and goings on.
Who am I?
I am a stay/work at home mommy of 1. My work at home consists of soap and toiletry crafting, baking, and most recently Jamberry nail wraps. My main passion is baking and sometimes cooking. I love to paparazzi my tiny one. As I stated earlier, I have the craft ADD so you will definitely see crafts and DIY projects. I am a pinterest fanatic. I am also a sporadic makeup enthusiast. I don't wear it often or enjoy the outdoors much because allergies.
Who is Z?
Z is my above average height, precocious four year old. He is intelligent, adorable, and quite maddening from time to time. He has lots of unexpected and unpredictable responses to everyday life and situations. I don't know if he is the norm or not, but he is entertaining most days. He is currently all for anything green (his favorite color), dinosaurs, trains, and power rangers. He is a strange man, who watches cartoons by default. He would rather watch the toy reviews on YouTube.
What you will find on this blog?
I will be coming here to share product reviews, subscription boxes, crafty dealings, and life with Z. Some reviews may be sponsored and some not, but all opinions will be mine and completely honest. I have an immense love for subscription boxes and mail so when I can you will definitely see those here. I have a touch of craft ADD. I flit from one craft to the next and back. Finally, life with Z, it is just that life with Z. It is usually unexpected and somewhat offhandedly funny.
That is us in a nutshell.

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